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Summon: An Overview

What is Summon?

Summon is search tool that allows you to search many of the library's resources from one interface. Summon provides easy access to full-text articles and allows you to quickly search many of the library's resources at once. This includes:

  • Most of our database content
  • eBook collection
  • Streaming video
  • Online catalog

Advantages to Using Summon

  • One-stop search for a large number of library materials
  • Searching is fast, easy, and uses a clean interface
  • Direct access to material
  • Ability to limit searches quickly by facets, including scholarly & peer reviewed sources, publication date and more
  • Citations provided in both MLA and APA

Should I always use Summon?

Not always.

  • Summon searches many of our resources, but not all.
  • If you are doing specialized or comprehensive research you might want to use the Library's subject-specific databases and the Online Catalog


Searching Summon

One Search. Thousands of Possibilities. Books, eBooks, Databases, Videos.

or search the Rose Library catalog

Using Summon--Basic

Using Summon--Beyond the Basics