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MUS 110: Music Appreciation

Timeline PowerPoint Project

A slide with the dates of each musical period. Include a picture for visual interest.

(Use Britannica Image Quest database from Rose Library, where the basic citation is created for you.)

Include an overview slide for each time period. This should include the most important elements of music during that time period. This overview must be at least three sentences.

(Use the following databases to find information for the overview:

  1. Classic FM – To cite a page from a website, identify the following elements: Author, “Specific page or article title.” Name of site, url. Accessed day month year.


Classic FM. “Classical 1750 to 1830.” Classic FM, Accessed 10 January 2021.

  1. Britannica Academic Edition Online

Basic citation is created for you

  1. Credo Reference

Basic citation is created for you

  1. Naxos Music Library

See number 1 above

May need to cite textbook: 

Last name, First Name. Title of Book. City of Publication, Publisher, Publication Date. 

In-text citation: (Author's last name page number)

Include the musical genres for each time period. For example, The Mass was a major genre used in the Renaissance period. List an example or add a link to a YouTube recording of your favorite Mass of the Renaissance period.

(To cite a YouTube video:)

  • Author. “Name of video.” YouTube, uploaded by ______, day month year, url.
  • “Name of video.” YouTube, uploaded by _____, day month year, url.

List and provide information about the important composers of each time period, in a 4-sentence biography that includes birth and death rates. Include a picture and a YouTube video about the composer.

(Use the following databases to find information for the overview:

  1. Classic FM – To cite a page from a website, identify the following elements: Author, “Specific page or article title.” Name of site, url. Accessed day month year.


Classic FM. “Classical 1750 to 1830.” Classic FM, Accessed 10 January 2021.

  1. Britannica Academic Edition Online

Basic citation is created for you

  1. Credo Reference

Basic citation is created for you

  1. Naxos Music Library

See number 1 directly above

(To cite a Youtube video:)

  • Author. “Name of video.” YouTube, uploaded by ______, day month year, url.
  • “Name of video.” YouTube, uploaded by _____, day month year, url.

Include song titles (pieces) written by the important composers with YouTube video clips.

(To cite a YouTube video:)

  • Author. “Name of video.” YouTube, uploaded by ______, day month year, url.
  • “Name of video.” YouTube, uploaded by _____, day month year, url.