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Fire Protection

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Use the power search of Summon to search for your next resource. One search. Thousands of Possibilities. Books, eBooks, Databases, Videos.

Find Sources

Also known as "Scholarly Articles." "Peer-Reviewed Articles" or "Academic Articles," these are:

  • Written and reviewed by scholars and provide new research, analysis, or  information about a specific topic.
    • "Review" means the article is approved by other experts before publication.
  • Usually focused on a narrow subject or single case study.
  • Intended for an academic audience.
Image of a stack of newspapers.

Find Fire Protection Articles:

Unlike journal articles, scholarly books:

  • Are written on a broader, general subject.
  • May contain a collection of related chapters by different authors.
  • Contain less recent information.

Remember: You may only need to read one chapter of a scholarly book!

Image of a stack of books.

Find Fire Protection Books:

Keep the following in mind when searching for websites.

  • Websites can virtually be created by anyone. So choose wisely.
  • Pay attention to the domain of the website, who is connected to? Can you trust them?
    • .edu - educational institution
    • .org - an organization
    • .com - a commercial site
    • .gov - a government agency
  • Who wrote/published the website. Can you trust them?

Image of a desktop computer with keyboard, an open laptop, and a tablet on a desk.

 Find Fire Protection Websites:

    • North Carolina State Firefighters' Association
  • Google Scholar
    • More focused search on only scholarly resources.

Searching for a video, is very similar to looking for a website.

  • Videos can be created by anyone. So choose wisely!
  • Note who created/published the video. Can you trust them?
  • Why was the video created? Is it meant to promote something?
  • Is it factual or is it based on a true event?
    • factual - information is accurate and true
    • based on true events - information can be an altered version of the facts

Image of a camera recording a person on stage.

 Find Fire Protection Websites: