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Frequently Asked Questions about the CCC QEP

1. What is a QEP?

QEP is an acronym for Quality Enhancement Plan. It is a plan required by SACS to improve student learning.

2. What is the QEP of CCC?

CCC’s QEP is “Building Futures Through Active Learning: Using Actives Learning Strategies to Increase Student Engagement”

3. What is active learning?

Active learning refers to classroom techniques that go beyond the simple lecture. When active learning strategies are being employed students are DOING something that results in discovering, processing, and applying information. Active learning “derives from two basic assumptions: (1) that learning is by nature an active endeavor and (2) that different people learn in different ways” (Meyers and Jones 1993).

4. What are some examples of active learning strategies?

There are many active learning strategies including mini-lectures with intermittent discussions, questioning, problem-based learning, group work, teams, cooperative learning, peer teaching, and more.

5. How will faculty learn about these strategies and how to implement them into their classes?

The College has previously provided and will continue to schedule professional development workshops on active learning strategies and their implementation. Some of the workshops will use CCC instructors who already use active learning. There is also a Quality Enhancement Coordinator. Part of her job is to help faculty develop ALS that will work for their disciplines. Also, there will be a webpage that will contain a great deal of information on ALS.

6. Who is the Quality Enhancement Coordinator?

Dr. Starr Camper is the Quality Enhancement Coordinator. She is also an instructor in the Social Sciences Department.

7. How was this QEP topic chosen?

CCC involved members of the CCC community (faculty, staff, students, and community) in several ways. Focus groups were conducted that involved representatives from each stakeholder group on campus. Choices were developed from the discussions of these groups. The QEP is faculty driven and faculty played a primary role in the choice. Faculty served on the focus groups and committees, and eventually voted for the topic. Once the topic was selected, the Core Committee developed the document.

8. What is the primary goal of the QEP?

The primary goal of the QEP is to increase student engagement on the campus of CCC. We want students to feel comfortable with the academic environment, participate in activities on campus, and interact with classmates and faculty.

9. How will the QEP achieve this goal?

CCC QEP’s has four goals to improve student engagement. 1. After completing classes that use active learning strategies (ALS), student performance on post-tests will demonstrate a stronger knowledge of the content. 2. After completing classes that use ALS, students will have stronger written and oral communications skills and critical thinking skills. 3. After completing classes that use ALS, students will be aware of how they learn best and how to adapt to different instructional styles. 4. After completing classes that use ALS, student will make stronger connections with fellow students and faculty members.

10. How will the QEP be assessed?

The QEP will be assessed on three levels. Much of the assessment will be at the classroom level. Pre- and post-tests will be used as well as student and faculty interviews. There will be projects, assignments, and tasks that will be graded. Also, there will be instant assessments of active learning strategies. Faculty evaluations can also be used as a form of assessment. A second level of assessment will be at the departmental level. Some of the pre- and post-test questions will ascertain departmental goals. Faculty and student interviews and/or focus groups will also be used here. The CCSSE (Community College Survey on Student Engagement) will be used as a form of assessment. Finally, the last layer of assessment will be at the institutional level. The primary means here will be the CCSSE. However, as the QEP becomes a part of the planning process at CCC other assessment methods may be created.

11. How will the QEP impact students?

After experiencing active learning, students will be able to recognize how they learn. As a result students will take responsibility for their own learning and have a better understanding of how to do that. Students will feel more engaged at CCC and this feeling will be something they will desire and seek beyond CCC. Active learning will help students strengthen skills that will be used at CCC and beyond. Skills such as critical thinking, oral and written communication, and attaining content knowledge will be increased.

12. How will the QEP impact faculty?

One goal of the QEP is that faculty learning communities will develop among faculty. Faculty will be excited over the results of the ALS, and collegial discussions will lead to an increased bond among discipline specific faculty and beyond. Faculty will meet both formally and informally to discuss strategies that have worked and not worked in their courses. This will lead to the creation of faculty learning communities.

13. Which courses will implement the QEP?

After much discussion, it was determined that the Social Sciences would implement the QEP first. This is an area where traditional teaching is the norm and active learning strategies could make a significant impact. The QEP will start in the cornerstone courses in these areas- HIS 111, PSY 150, SOC 210 and REL 211. Eventually all of the Social Science courses will be involved. While the focus of the QEP will be on the social sciences, other disciplines will be invited to participate.

14. What is the timeline for the QEP?

The QEP is a 5-year process. The planning and preparation for CCC’s QEP took place 2009-2011. The implementation of ALS into the courses will begin in Spring 2012 on a limited basis with full implementation taking place in Fall 2012. During the following four years all of the social sciences disciplines will implement the plan.

15. What happens after 5 years?

A 5-year progress report is required by SACS. This will be prepared by the Quality Enhancement Coordinator. The College will then assess the effectiveness and success of the QEP to determine whether to proceed with the plan, to make changes to the plan, or to abandon the plan. If the plan proceeds, other departments on campus will implement ALS into their courses.