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Rose Library - Cleveland Community College

Common Accommodations

Common Disabilities

Complete vision loss or partial vision loss

Common Accommodations

Books converted to audio, permission to email all assignments, extended time on tests, extra time on assignments (when appropriate, at instructor’s discretion), tests read aloud (in seated classes), materials enlarged, note-taker or notes provided by instructor

How instructors are meeting these accommodations

  • Books converted to audio: This is handled by Disability Services and the Library staff
  • Extended time on tests: Many instructors either schedule a time before or after the class takes the test for the student to meet with the instructor and test or allow student to come in and begin early or stay after class to finish the test*
  • Tests read aloud: Many instructors either schedule a time before or after the class takes the test for the student to meet with the instructor and test*
  • Note-taker or notes provided by instructor: Many instructors will either ask another student if they would be willing to make copies of their notes for the student or instructor places notes on Blackboard for all students

These suggestions are what other faculty are doing, feel free to meet the required accommodations as you see appropriate.

*Testing accommodations are the responsibility of instructors, not the Library

Common Disabilities

Complete hearing loss or partial hearing loss

Common Accommodations

Preferred seating, ASL Interpreter, note-taker or notes provided by instructor, testing in a separate room

How instructors are meeting these accommodations:

  • Note-taker or notes provided by instructor: Many instructors will either ask another student if they would be willing to make copies of their notes for the student or instructor places notes on Blackboard for all students
  • Testing in a separate room: Many instructors will either find a classroom close by that is vacant or schedule a time before or after the class takes the test for the student to meet with the instructor and test.* 

These suggestions are what other faculty are doing, feel free to meet the required accommodations as you see appropriate.

*Testing accommodations are the responsibility of instructors, not the Library.

Common Disabilities

Epilepsy, lupus, arthritis

Common Accommodations

Testing in a separate room, extended time on tests, note-taker or notes provided by instructor, excused from class if cold

How instructors are meeting these accommodations

  • Testing in a separate room: Many instructors will either find a classroom close by that is vacant or schedule a time before or after the class takes the test for the student to meet with the instructor and test*
  • Extended time on tests: Many instructors either schedule a time before or after the class takes the test for the student to meet with the instructor and test or allow student to come in and begin early or stay after class to finish the test*
  • Note-taker or notes provided by instructor: Many instructors will either ask another student if they would be willing to make copies of their notes for the student or instructor places notes on Blackboard for all students

These suggestions are what other faculty are doing, feel free to meet the required accommodations as you see appropriate.

*Testing accommodations are the responsibility of instructors, not the Library.

Common Disabilities

Dyslexia, Learning Disability, ADD, Bipolar Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, anxiety attacks, developmental delays, Asperger Syndrome

Common Accommodations

Tests read aloud (in seated classes), extended time on tests, testing in a separate room, note-taker or notes provided by instructor, extra time on assignments (at instructor’s discretion), preferred seating, open book test (at instructor’s discretion)

How instructors are meeting these accommodations

  • Tests read aloud: Many instructors either schedule a time before or after the class takes the test for the student to meet with the instructor and test.*
  • Extended time on tests: Many instructors either schedule a time before or after the class takes the test for the student to meet with the instructor and test or allow student to come in and begin early or stay after class to finish the test.*
  • Testing in a separate room: Many instructors will either find a classroom close by that is vacant or schedule a time before or after the class takes the test for the student to meet with the instructor and test.*
  • Note-taker or notes provided by instructor: Many instructors will either ask another student if they would be willing to make copies of their notes for the student or instructor places notes on Blackboard for all students

These suggestions are what other faculty are doing, feel free to meet the required accommodations as you see appropriate.

*Testing accommodations are the responsibility of instructors, not the Library