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Faculty Handbook

Academic Integrity

Cleveland Community College expects students to practice academic integrity at all times. Academic integrity refers to the adherence to moral and ethical principles in all academic work.


These course syllabi templates were designed to be accessible.  Use the links below to access the appropriate template in Dropbox.    You should choose Download, then Direct Download.  Edit the file as needed and be sure to save your version. 

Withdrawals and Audits


A student may elect to audit a course or courses by completing the appropriate form in Student Services. Those auditing receive no credit and do not have to take any examinations; otherwise, participation in class is on the same basis as a credit student. An audit does not meet course co/pre-requisite requirements. 


A student may withdrawal with a grade of "W" after the 10% point of the term and before the 75% point of the term or session. A course(s) which was officially withdrawn from will show on a student's transcript as a grade of "W".

Students who stop attending a course(s) and who are not officially withdrawn or whose absences exceed the allowed maximum during the last 25% of the term will receive a grade (A, B, C, D, F) for the course(s). Withdrawals by currently enrolled high school students require approval from the student's attending high school.

Students are responsible for completing the Student Withdrawal Form. Instructors are not obligated to withdraw students from their course(s). In order to guarantee a withdrawal has been accepted, students should check their MyCleveland account.

Classroom Supplies

Academic Programs provides general classroom/office supplies for instructor use only. Whiteboard markers are available in the Jim and Patsy Rose Library for faculty teaching on campus. For those faculty teaching a Career and College Promise class at the high schools, markers are available in Academic Programs.

Contracts & Payroll Information


Contracts for adjunct faculty are based on approved pay rates for current education level (Official transcripts are required in order to verify rate) and the number of contact hours for each individual course. Example: If teaching a class that meets 3 contact hours, you would multiply 3 contact hours by 16 x pay rate and divide into installments based on the dates your class begins and ends. Example of installments:

  • 14/16 weeks = 4 installments
  • 10 weeks = 3 installments
  • 5/7/8 weeks = 2 installments

Career and College Promise (CCP) adjunct faculty contracts are processed as stated above. Pay periods vary depending on the dates class begins and ends.

Faculty will be notified through CCC email when Contracts are available. Contracts must be returned to Academic Affairs by the specified date in order to assure accurate payment.


Timesheets for all hourly instructors (Allied Health, BLET, Cosmetology) and facilitators must be submitted electronically. Instructors and facilitators must be able to access the Cleveland Community College (CCC) Portal.

Payroll Information

Checks for contracts and timesheets are issued the month after your class begins (classes beginning in August will receive first check in September).

Direct deposit forms are available in Etrieve under the Human Resources (HR) section.