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Faculty Handbook

Information Technology Goals for 2015-2020

These goals were approved by the Information Technology Committee in July 2014. 

To support the mission of the Cleveland Community College information technology objectives and initiatives will:

Goal I:

Promote the creation of a student centered environment that provides progressive technology as a tool to empower students, faculty, and staff effectiveness and success

Goal II:

Provide and support appropriate and secure information technology systems which optimize access, enhance institutional performance and accountability, and provide meaningful data for decision-making

Goal III:

Develop a flexible infrastructure of technology and communication paths that will support innovative teaching and learning and increase administrative efficiency, enabling the College to thrive in the present and grow into the future

Goal IV:

Enhance Communication and Collaboration through Technology

Goal V:

Deliver comprehensive technology support to students, faculty, and staff and provide technology training and professional development opportunities for the communities we serve 

Information Technology Procedures Manual

Cleveland Community College provides a variety of information technology resources for faculty, staff, and students in order to provide diverse and accessible learning opportunities to meet the educational and training needs of our community. Information about technology resources and directions for using all technologies is located in the Information Technology Procedures Manual. Information about specific systems such as Email, Voicemail, IssueTrak, SecureAuth (Login Credentials), CCCAlert, Datacove and Sophos can be found in the searchable Information Technology Procedures Manual.



Security for Mobile Devices

Security for mobile devices using College email

In order to use CCC email from your mobile device(s) you are required to have a security pin enabled on the phone or device.  If you do not have a security pin enabled you will probably not be allowed to interact with College email on that device. 

To set a PIN lock for your Galaxy/Android device, follow these directions:

  1. From the Home screen, touch the Apps Menu button.
  2. Choose the Settings app.
  3. Choose Location & Security.
  4. Choose Configure Screen Lock.
  5. Choose PIN from the list of locks.
  6. Use the onscreen keyboard to type your PIN once.
  7. Touch the Continue button.

How to enable a passcode on your iPhone or iPad Lock screen:

  1. Launch Settings from your Home screen.
  2. Tap Passcode (or Touch ID & Passcode).
  3. Tap Turn Passcode On.
  4. Enter 4 digits to use as your passcode.
  5. Re-enter the same 4 digits to confirm your passcode.

If you have another device, or any other issues accessing employee e-mail from a mobile device, please contact the CCC Help Desk at 704-669-4133, or submit an IssueTrak ticket.